14 Mart 2017 Salı

SSLSession Sınıfı

Şöyle yaparız.
// Get session after the connection is established
SSLSession sslSession = sslSocket.getSession();
getCipherSuite metodu
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System.out.println("\tCipher suite : " + sslSession.getCipherSuite());
Çıktı olarak şunu alırız.
Cipher suite : TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
getLocalCertificates metodu
Açıklaması şöyle
Certificate[] getLocalCertificates()
Returns the certificate(s) that were sent to the peer during handshaking.
Note: This method is useful only when using certificate-based cipher suites.
When multiple certificates are available for use in a handshake, the implementation chooses what it considers the "best" certificate chain available, and transmits that to the other side. This method allows the caller to know which certificate chain was actually used.
an ordered array of certificates, with the local certificate first followed by any certificate authorities. If no certificates were sent, then null is returned.
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getPeerHost metodu
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Çıktı olarak şunu alırız.
getProtocol metodu
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System.out.println("\tProtocol : " + sslSession.getProtocol());
Çıktı olarak şunu alırız.
Protocol : TLSv1.2
getSessionContext metodu
Şöyle yaparız.
System.out.println("\tSession context : " + sslSession.getSessionContext());
Çıktı olarak şunu alırız.
Session context : sun.security.ssl.SSLSessionContextImpl@781df1a4 

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