12 Kasım 2022 Cumartesi

SonarQube Overview Sekmesi - Quality Gate Status Alanı

Not : Bu yazı SonarQube yazısının bir bölümü

Overview sekmesinde  3 tane alan var

1. Quality Status Alanı

2. New Code Code Sekmesi
Burada yeni kodların durumu gösterilir. New Bugs, New Vulnerabilities, New Security Hotspots, Added Debt vs gibi alanlar var.

3. Overall Code Sekmesi
Burada tüm kodun durumu gösterilir. Bugs, Vulnerabilities, Security Hotspots, Debt vs gibi alanlar var.

Bu alan ve panellerin açıklaması şöyle
Quality gate status: Passed. You can set certain rules for quality gate and based on them, you’ll get a boolean, passed or not. Rule can be for example Test coverage 80%

New Code / Overall Code: In the Overall, you can get all the reports within the project code base. In New Code, you can see the diff after running a second analysis of the same branch. So you can see only the analysis of your latest changes.

Main reporting: Bugs, Vulnerabilities, Security issues, Code smells and technical debts. All with links included so you can dive in. Technical debt is measured by some average assumptions made by SonarQube, and it can give you the feeling how much time will you spent on solving these things.

Coverage: I do have 3 unit tests, and SonarQube detects them, which is nice. However, I remember there has to be some SonarQube plugins activated (or configured) so it can detect line coverage. As you can see, it’s 0.0% at the moment, which I know it’s not correct.

Duplication: This section can find and show how much duplicated code do you have in terms of line and percentage of your total code base.

Quality Gate Status Alanı
Soldaki panelin adı Quality Gate Status Alanı. Tüm projenin genel durumu gösterilir. Eğer projede sorun varsa FAILED olarak işaretlenir ve sebebi açıklanır. Şeklen şöyle. Burada testlerde ve kapsamada sorun yok. Code smell olsa bile Passed olarak gösteriliyor.

Şeklen şöyle. Burada On New Code yani yeni kod için test yazılmadığı belirtiliyor ve proje FAILED olarak gösterilir.

Şeklen şöyle

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