28 Temmuz 2020 Salı

JMS Kavramları

JMS Gerçekleştirimler
Bazıları şöyle
Apache Qpid (using AMQP), 
IBM MQ (formerly MQSeries, then WebSphere MQ), 
JBoss HornetQ, 
Oracle AQ, 
TIBCO Cloud Messaging, 

JMS message brokers and the JMS portability myth
Açıklaması şöyle. Yani JMS kodunu aynı tutarak alttaki broker'ı değiştirmek mümkün olmayabilir.
The JMS specification was developed to provide a common Java library to access different messaging vendor’s brokers. It was intended to act as a wrapper to the messaging vendor’s proprietary APIs in the same way JDBC provided similar functionality for database APIs.

Unfortunately, this simple integration turned out not to be the case. The migration of the JMS code from one vendor’s broker to another is quite complex for several reasons:

- Not all JMS features are mandatory (security, topic/queue labeling, clustering, routing, compression, etc.)
- There is no JMS specification for transport
- No specification to define how persistence is implemented
- No specification to define how fault tolerance or high availability is implemented
- Different interpretations of the JMS specification by different vendors result in potentially other behaviors for the same JMS functions
- No specification for security
- There is no specification for value-added features in the brokers (such as topic to queue bridging, inter-broker routing, access control lists, etc.)

Therefore, simple source code migration and interoperability between JMS vendors is a myth! This sounds crazy, doesn’t it?

Server-side JMS filtering and routing
Açıklaması şöyle
Most JMS message brokers provide some features for server-side event processing. These features are handy for some workloads!

Just be careful that server-side processing usually comes with a cost. For instance:

- JMS Pre-filtering scalability issues: The broker has to handle so many things. This can kill the broker in a hidden fashion
- JMS Selectors (= routing) performance issues: It kills 40–50% of performance

Again, sometimes, the drawbacks are acceptable. Then this is a great functionality.
Single JMS deployment vs. multi-region
Açıklaması şöyle
JMS is a client specification, while multi-data center replication is a broker function. I won’t go deep here and put it simply: JMS message brokers are not built for replication scenarios across regions, continents, or hybrid/multi-cloud environments.
- Connection
- Session
- Destination : Destination olarak Queue, TemporaryQueue, TemporaryTopic, Topic kullanılır
- Message : Bundan kalıtan BytesMessage, MapMessage, ObjectMessage, StreamMessage, TextMessage sınıfları var
- MessageConsumer
- MessageProducer

1. JMS 1.1
1.1 Topic
Mesaj tüm dinleyicilere gönderilir. Açıklaması şöyle. Birden fazla alan olabilir ve her biri kendi kopyasını alır.
Topics implement an one-to-many channel between a producer and multiple consumers. Unlike an queue, every consumer will receive a message send by the producer.

Multiple consumers can get a message
Decoupling between producer and consumers (publish-and-subscribe pattern)

More complicated communication flow
A message cannot be recovered for a single listener
Şeklen şöyle

1.2 Queue
Mesaj iki nokta arasındadır. Bir gönderen bir de alan taraf vardır. Eğer birden fazla alan varsa, sadece bir tanesi mesajı alır. Açıklaması şöyle.
They provide a direct channel between a producer and a consumer. The producer creates messages, while the consumer reads one after another. After a message was read, it’s gone. If multiple consumers are registered for a queue, only one of them will get the message.

Simple messaging pattern with a transparent communication flow
Messages can be recovered by putting them back on the queue

Only one consumer can get the message
Implies a coupling between producer and consumer as it’s an one-to-one relation

1.3 TemporaryQueue
Açıklaması şöyle. Bağlantı açık olduğu müddetçe hayatta kalır.
A TemporaryQueue object is a unique Queue object created for the duration of a Connection. It is a system-defined queue that can be consumed only by the Connection that created it.

A TemporaryQueue object can be created at either the Session or QueueSession level. Creating it at the Session level allows to the TemporaryQueue to participate in transactions with objects from the Pub/Sub domain. If it is created at the QueueSession, it will only be able participate in transactions with objects from the PTP domain.
Açıklaması şöyle. Genellikle bir işlemin sonucunu (response/acknowledgement) gibi almak için kullanılır.
It is possible to create a temporary queue or topic that will exist as long as the current connection is open or until you call delete. Only the connection that created the queue or topic can receive messages from it, but other connections may send messages. A common use of temporary queues is to use them for receiving responses to a request message. For this you pass the temporary queue in the JMSReplyTo header field.
1.4 Subscriber
Açıklaması şöyle
A subscriber (also known as a consumer) is an application that creates a subscription to receive publications (or messages) from desired topic(s).

There are two types of subscribers:

Non-Durable subscriber: This type of subscriber application will get publications from a messaging provider as long as the application is running. Once the application ends, the messaging provider removes the subscription.

Durable Subscriber: This is the second type of application which receive publications as long as they are running. When the application ends, the messaging provider will cache publications for the subscriber and deliver them when the application comes back.
1.5 Message Delivery
Açıklaması şöyle. Mesaj dağıtımını etkileyen 3 parametre var. DeliveryMode + Priority + Time To Live. MessageProducer.send() metoduna bu paramtreler girilebilir.
JMS provides three ways of influencing the delivery of messages: delivery mode, priority and time-to-live.

- The delivery mode can be either PERSISTENT or NON_PERSISTENT. A persistent message's delivery is guaranteed. A non-persistent message may not arrive in some cases, for example when the messaging server is being shut down before the delivery. The advantage of non-persistent messages is that they may be faster.
- Messages with higher priority can arrive earlier than messages with lower priority.
- Time-to-live timeouts can prevent the delivery of messages that are older than a configurable amount of time.
Delivery mode, priority and timeout are best-effort services. JMS providers should do their best to implement them, but it is not required that they always work as you may expect. For example, JMS allows the delivery of an expired message.

In order to set a message's delivery options, there are variants of the send method that allow setting them for each message. Alternatively you could also set defaults in the MessageProducer. If you don't do this either, implementation-specific defaults are taken (which can usually be configured somewhere).

2. JMS 2.0
Açıklaması şöyle. 2013 yılında yayınlandı
JMS 2.0, which was released in April 2013, is the first update to the JMS specification since version 1.1 was released in 2002.
2.1 Shared Topic Subscription
Açıklaması şöyle. Bir topic'i bir den fazla tüketicinin (consumer) bağlanbilmesini sağlar. Mesaj sadece tek bir tüketiciye gönderilir, yani çoklanmaz. Böylece aslında mesaj işleme parallelleştiriliyor.
In JMS 1.1, a subscription on a topic was not permitted to have more than one consumer at a time. This meant that the work of processing messages on a topic subscription could not be shared among multiple threads, connections, or Java Virtual Machines (JVMs), thereby limiting the scalability of the application. This restriction has been removed in JMS 2.0 by the introduction of a new kind of topic subscription called a shared subscription.
2.2 Delivery Delay
Açıklaması şöyle.
You can now specify a delivery delay on a message. The JMS provider will not deliver the message until after the specified delivery delay has elapsed.
2.3 Sending Messages Asynchronously
Açıklaması şöyle.
Another new feature of JMS 2.0 is the ability to send a message asynchronously.
3. JMS 3
Jakarta Messaging API olarak isim değiştirdi

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