26 Ağustos 2021 Perşembe

jpackage komutu - Native Launcher Executable Yaratır, JDK 14 İle Geliyor

JDK 8 ile javapackager kullanılıyordu. Native launcher executable yaratır. Bu executable içine JDK da dahil ediliyor. Yani ortaya büyük bir executable çıkıyor.

Şöyle yaparız
jpackage --name demo --input lib --main-jar demo.jar --main-class demo.Main
Açıklaması şöyle
Suppose you have a JAR file demo.jar in a lib directory, along with additional dependency JARs. This command packages up this demo application into a native format corresponding to your current platform:

- Linux: deb or rpm
- Windows: msi or exe
- macOS: pkg or dmg

The resulting package also contains those parts of the JDK that are required to run the application, along with a native launcher. This means that users can install, run, and uninstall the application in a platform-specific, standard way, without having to explicitly install Java beforehand.

Cross-compilation is not supported: If you need a package for Windows users, you must create it with jpackage on a Windows machine.

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