6 Kasım 2018 Salı

Swing RepaintManager Sınıfı

Açıklaması şöyle. Bu sınıfı bir Swing thread'inden değil bir başka thread'den gelen hataları yakalamak için kullanabilir.z
repaint makes a request to the RepaintManager to paint part or all of a component. The RepaintManager will decide what and how much will be painted, possible consolidating repaint requests into as small a number of updates as possible (so repeatedly calling repaint could actually slow your paint process).

The RepaintManager then pushes a paint event onto the Event Dispatching Thread. This ensures that the paint event is handle within the context of the EDT.
addDirtyRegion metodu
Örnek ver

addInvalidComponent metodu
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currentManager metodu
Şöyle yaparız.
RepaintManager rm = RepaintManager.currentManager(component);

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